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Sorry, the lawyers make us do it... but I swear they are cool.

Information presented on this website, our social media channels, websites, e-books, guides, blogs and more from Your Home Reimagined LLC, it's affiliates or owners, are intended for information, education and entertainment purposes only. Your Home Reimagined LLC and its affiliates are not responsible for any chemical, allergic, health-related or other issues from the products or recipes. Your Home Reimagined LLC and its affiliates or owners make no claims of "expert status" and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages for the use of the information found in our guides, our website, social media or any other program. You assume the risk and full responsibility for all of your actions and Your Home Reimagined LLC, its owners and affiliates, will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of any sort, whether consequential, incidental, special or otherwise that may result from the information presented. Please contact the health department if any products are ingested or make contact with eyes.


All products/chemicals seen/used, as any other, should be used with ample air flow and wearing a mask. Do not clean or make products in an enclosed room with no windows/doors/air flow. Try any techniques seen, as your own risk.


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Information presented on this website, our social media channels, e-books, guides, blogs and more from Your Home Reimagined LLC, it's affiliates or owners, are intended for information, education and entertainment purposes only. You assume the risk and full responsibility for all of your actions and Your Home Reimagined LLC, its owners and affiliates, will not be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage of any sort, whether consequential, incidental, special or otherwise that may result from the information presented on any of our platforms. *See Disclaimer page for more details*

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